Amanda's Hula Studio Our group loves the pa'u skirts that we ordered. We always receive wonderful comments on the vibrant colors and have used them over several years and they still look vibrant. We appreciate the wonderful service, quality, and price. We are a hula studio providing a space to learn Hawaiian Hula, build community, and grow spiritually. We are located along the Crystal Coast of North Carolina. Workshops are offered throughout the Carolinas and we offer women's retreats to Hawai'i. We welcome new dancers to join us! Registered Feb 6th, 2025 https://redheadedhulagirl.com E-mail:redheadedhulagirl@gmail.com
Nā Pua ʻOhana ʻIlima Hula Studio Make your body and mind happy and healthy! Have fun learning hula! The elegant Ilima Hula Studio on Oahu We teach the elegant Ilima Hula style. Free trial lesson available! No entrance fee. Feel free to contact us for more information. Registered Dec 9th, 2024 https://napua-ohanailima-hula.studio.site/home/ E-mail:ayaka.hulastudio@gmail.com
Hula-dang, (the house of hula) Huladang, the house of hula, is hula community in Korea with kind and beautiful Ohana. We operate biggest Hula festivals since 2000, more than 1,000 people. Registered Nov 12th, 2024 instagram
Mana 'Āina Polynesian Dance Mana ‘Aina is a Polynesian Dance Troupe in Hong Kong, experienced in giving Hawaiian & Tahitian dance classes and delivering performances in different events. We are dedicated to share the culture and Aloha Spirit with our passion and joy. Through music and dance, we unite and connect with our motherland to share the Mana with everyone.Hula Ohana got a very user-friendly website, with great hula products and good price.. Registered Oct 15th, 2024 http://www.facebook.com/ManaAinaHK/ E-mail:manaainahk@gmail.com
mau aloha hula Mahalo nui loa~ Hula Ohana! We are looking forward to getting beautiful hula dresses and pa'u skirts. Registered Oct 3rd, 2024 E-mail:softviolet0@naver.com
Makamae Melia ‘O Polynesia Mahalo for all of your help with previous orders for our competition dresses. They were delivered quickly and fit perfect! Look forward to ordering from Hula Ohana. Registered Sep 26th,2024 www.Makamaemelia.org E-mail:makamaepolynesia@yahoo.com
Halau Kalama Hālau Kalama, in Aurora, Colorado, is dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of Native Pacific Islands' culture and heritage through music, dance, language, and education.Members of Hālau Kalama collaborate and strive to entertains as well as enlighten all communities who wish to experience the “ALOHA SPIRIT”We will be having our 17th Annual Lei Day on June 28, 2025 at the Douglas County Fairgrounds in Castle Rock, Colorado. For more information, please go to https://www.denverleiday.org Registered Sep 13th,2024 www.denverleiday.org E-mail:Venice.allen@gmail.com
Aloha Hula Dance Studio SFV Since 2007 Aloha Hula Dance Studio , located in Granada Hills, Ca has been a part of the Polynesian community. Director Lyn-Del Laua'e Pedersen along with her sons, Taimane and Kaikea Fiaseu offer classes in Hula and Ori Tahiti. They strive to share and encourage a deeper appreciation of all Polynesian cultures. Registered August 22nd 2024 www.aloha-hulastudio.com E-mail:Alohahulasfv@gmail.com
Hālau Hula Pono Aloha hulaohana! Weʻre looking forward to wearing some of your dresses at our 2022 ho`ike! Registered July 26th 2024 www.halauhulapono.com E-mail:info@halauhulapono.com
Hui Kaululehua We're very excited to receive our new dresses for upcoming hoʻike! Incredible that hula connects us all around the world. Mahalo! Registered June 28th, 2024 https://www. huikaululehua.com E-mail:info@huikaululehua.com
Melelana Dance We love the selection of Pau Hula at hula-ohana. There really is something for everyone. Registered July 24th,2024 http://www.melelandance.com/ E-mail:melelanadance@gmail.com
Hui o Keikiali'i Montreal We love Hula Ohana! The quality and the design of the dresses is stellar. If we could buy all dresses we would do that! Registered Jun 18th,2024 facebook E-mail:alohamontreal@hotmail.com
MOANAHULA I am very happy to be able to work with Hulaohana. Thank you for making our hula shine more Registered Jun 17th, 2024 https://instagram.com/moanahula.han/ E-mail:pisces1406@naver.com
Kūhai Hālau O Kaponookalani Pā ‘Ōlapa Kahiko Kūhai Hālau O Kaponookalani Pā ‘Ōlapa Kahiko supported Ohana Dance Group, a non-profit, multi-generational hula school where students of various ages, backgrounds, and abilities are exposed to the Hawaiian culture and music through traditional hula. ‘Ohana means “family”; our goal is to maintain a family-oriented atmosphere where students can enjoy learning about the Hawaiian culture. Registered June 11th,2024 https://ohanadancegroup.com/ E-mail:ohanadancegroup@gmail.com
Nani Komohana Tutus Aoha! We are the Nani Komohana Tutus (Pretty Western Grandmothers). This is a pose before we performed "You Ku'uipo" with our Ipu. The audience loved it, especially the costumes from Hula Ohana. We look forward to our next show at Christmas time with another Pau from our favorite supplier. Mahalo! Registered May 6th,2024 https://dancesensations.scwclubs.com/hula/ E-mail:bphalle@cox.net
Kailani Danze Polinesiane Liguria Eccellente quality, we are thrilled for Pa'u skirts!We are an italian school in Genova.We teach Polynesian Dance. First class Is always free, come with us and enjoy yourself. Registered April 15th, 2024 www.facebook.com/KailaniLiguria/ E-mail:liguria@kailanidanzepolinesiane.com |
Kuhai Hālau O Kanoheaokalikolauaʻe Pā Olapa Kahiko Registered April 1st, 2024 www.halauhulaonohea.com/ E-mail:Halauonohea28@gmail.com |
Kūhai Hālau O Kapualaniokekukui Pā `Ōlapa Kahiko We are looking forward to wearing new hula ohana dresses at our upcoming hōʻike. Registered Mar 25th,2024 https://www.kapualaniokekukui.com/ E-mail:kapualaniokekukui@gmail.com
University of Nevada, Reno- Hawaii Club Being far away from home it is critical when you are putting on a performance that you have all the traditional outfits, and tools and Hula Ohana allows us to do that. Registered March 21th, 2024 https://www.instagram.com/hawaiiclubnevada?igsh=bmZqeXM3NzdmbHNv E-mail:eborthwickwong@unr.edu
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Korea Hawaii Hula Education Association(KoHHEA) Aloha! We are educating Hawaii hula in Busan, South Korea. We are happy to wear pretty hulaohana clothes and dance beautiful Hawaiian hula. Mahalo! Registered March 18th, 2024 http://kohhea.com/ E-mail:kohheahula@naver.com
Ohana Kahakai(previously Aloha Island Experience) Ohana Kahakai is located in South Carolina, US, and we have had a hula school here for over 17 years. We grow with new students each year and perform during summer beach for the public as well as private events! We offer classes for all ages starting at 4 years old. Registered March 17th, 2024 E-mail:alohaislandexperience@gmail.com.
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ASD-ESHAL (CAGLIARI - ITALY) ALOHA, we are an Italian school of dances from around the World, including HULA and ORI TAHITI. We are pleased to join this ohana. Registered Mar 11th, 2024 https://www.facebook.com/AsdEshalCagliari/?locale=it_IT E-mail:graziellamarras@gmail.com
Tatuha Fire and Cultural Dancers Registered Mar 7th, 2024 https://www.facebook.com/tatuhafireculturaldancers?mibextid=LQQJ4d E-mail:catherine_escalera@yahoo.com
Hui O 'Imiloa We are a club from UCLA based in Los Angeles, California and we strive to share our love of Hawai'i and hula with the student body here at UCLA. Our 39th Annual Lū’au is this year and we are so excited to wear some of hulaohana's lovely costumes! Registered Feb 22th, 2024 https://www.hawaiiucla.com/ E-mail: hawaii.ucla@gmail.com
Hoaloha Polynesian Dance Group in Michigan Registered Feb 9th, 2024 https://www.hulamichigan.com E-mail: alohamelanee@juno.com
Hulaloha Registered Jan 22th,2024 https://www.instagram.com/hula.loha/ E-mail:heeyoung7444@gmail.com
Halau Hula O Makalani Na Pilialoha We are a traditional hula halau based out of San Diego, California with a second location in Vista, California. We teach kahiko and 'auana and pride ourselves in perpetuating the Hawaiian culture and values of our kupuna. First class is always free, so come join us! Registered Jan 22th,2024 www.dancinghula.com E-mail:Makalani10@yahoo.com
Halau Hula O Ualani Registered Jan 16th, 2024 https://www.hhoutucson.com E-mail:hhou.az@gmail.com
Ka Hula O Manuarii - Sacramento, CA KHOM is dedicated to the learning, preservation, and perpetuation of Hawaiian cultural arts– through hula, mele,‘ōlelo, and hana no’eau. It is our mission to foster a genuine appreciation and respect for Hawaiian cultural heritage, and we welcome haumāna of all ages, abilities, background, and gender identity to share in our learning of hula and its language of aloha. Registered Jan 10th,2024 www.kahulaomanuarii.org/ E-mail:alohatyra@gmail.com
Korea Hula Aloha~ We are the Korea Hula Association, sharing Hawaiian hula in Seoul, South Korea and in the game. We are wearing beautiful hula ohana dresses and pau. Registered November 6th,2023 www.http://koreahula.co.kr E-mail:hulakoha@naver.com
하와이 춤 '훌라' CLASS hi~ long time no see. I'm going to take a break from the hula lesson due to the Covid and try to do it again.and I am teaching Hula lessons for actors, too. a few years ago, I taught students to buy skirts mainly from Hulaohana. I want to order for new students this time. thank you-^^ Registered Oct 24th, 2023 E-mail: juliet0909@hanmail.net
Tropical Wahines Polynesian Dance Troupe of Lincoln Park Dance Company We are a small Hālau based in Lincoln Park Michigan dancing as part of the Lincoln Park Dance Company. Mahalo to Hula Ohana for bringing beautiful, quality garments to our dancers! Registered Oct 18th, 2023 https://www.LincolnParkDance.net/ E-mail:Lisa@LincolnParkDance.net
Hula Napuanani O’Opalipali Aloha from beautiful North Central Washington, where mountains, cliffs, canyons, rivers, forests, orchards and sun abound. We are a group of gracious ladies who perform for community events, non-profit organizations, private parties, luau and special celebrations . . . visit us here in Wenatchee, Washington - we are the Apple Capitol of the World . . . Mahalo nui loa! Registered Oct 10th, 2023 E-mail:rmivanich@charter.net
Nā Haumāna Aloha from Marina, California! We love our beautiful costumes from Hula Ohana. Mahalo! Looking forward to many more future orders! Registered Sep 14th, 2023 https://www.nahaumana.org/ E-mail: nahaumana831@gmail.com
Halau Hula o Puanani Halau Hula o Puanani is based in Downers Grove, Illinois under the direction of Shasta Puanani Hud along with the haumana they continue to carry on the Aloha Spirit and hula throughout Illinois. Registered Sep 13th, 2023 http://www.hulachicago.net/ E-mail:hula5@comcast.net
Hālau i Ka Pono Our Hālau is 14 years old. We are based in Oak Park, Illinois. Kumu June Tanoue is our Hula Kumu. Registered Sep 7th, 2023 http://www.Halauikapono.org/ E-mail:june.tanoue@zlmc.org
Ka La Kapu Polynesian Dance School We love the Quality of the material, and they are beautiful dresses. Registered Aug 7th,2023 http://www.abqpolynesia.com/ E-mail:kimi@abqpolynesia.com
aloha with you hula studio Aloha! I am teaching hula in Seoul & Busan, Korea. My students are always love their dress from Hula-ohana. Mahalo! Registered Aug 4th,2023 E-mail:hjwebs@naver.com
AWAk Aloha! We are a hulaohana that loves hula. Thank you for the beautiful hula costume. We are happy to be with you, and I look forward to good products in the future. Mahalo ~! Registered Jly 18th,2023 https://cafe.naver.com/julianne120 E-mail:kjysiing@naver.com
Hālau Hula O Kāhealani Beautiful hula pā'ū with cord. This is the only place that makes and sells these. Dresses have worked great for our group. Nice customer service. Registered Jun 15th,2023 www.pvhula.com E-mail:Kahea@pvhula.com
Hui o Keikiali'i Montreal We love Hula Ohana! The quality and the design of the dresses is stellar. If we could buy all dresses we would do that! Registered Jun 14th,2023 facebook E-mail:alohamontreal@hotmail.com
Hālau Hula O Makalani Nā Pilialoha Hula ohana costumes have always made our dancers look amazing!! We are a traditional hālau based out of San Diego and Vista California. Please check us out at dancinghula.com. First class is always free! Registered May 24th,2023 www.dancinghula.com E-mail:Makalani10@yahoo.com
Hālau Hula Ka Pi'o o Ke Ānuenue We love working with hula-ohana for our parade pā'ū ! They have great choices to match the themes of our content. Registered May 22th, 2023 ashlandhula.com E-mail:yearinfrance@gmail.com
Moana Hula We are happy to be with Hulaohana. We really enjoy your costumes. Mahalo! Registered May 16th,2023 https://instagram.com/moanahula.han/ E-mail:tajo79@daum.net
Concordia University, Irvine: Ka Puʻuhonua Thank you for providing us a way to execute our goal and mission on campus to educate and inform everyone about the Hawaiian culture. Registered May 8th,2023 https://www.cui.edu/studentlife/student-leadership/clubs-and-organizations/hawaiian-club E-mail:kapuuhonua@cui.edu
Nani Komohana Tutus Aloha! We are a senior group of hula lovers and here we are posing for "Lovely Hula Hands". We perform all over the Phoenix west valley and are very appreciative of hulaohana keeping us looking our very traditional best. We're looking forward to wearing one of their dresses in an upcoming November show. Mahalo! Registered Apr 21th,2023 https://dancesensations.scwclubs.com/hula/ E-mail:bphalle@cox.net
Hula Hut Polynesian Dance ~ Hula O Lokahi Aloha! We appreciate your continued dedication to providing beautiful hula products. Thank you for working with our halau to accommodate our performance needs in a timely fashion. Looking forward to ordering again! Mahalo! Registered Apr 17th,2023 www.hulahut.org/ E-mail:hulahut2005@yahoo.com
Halau Ilima O Pololika Registered Apr 4th, 2023 Brevard Hawaiian Dancers, Inc. - Home Brevard Hawaiian Dancers, Inc. Hālau 'Ilima O Pololika | Melbourne FL | Facebook E-mail:brevardhawaiiandance@gmail.com
DANZA Y PASIÓN AMORE Excelentes productos, es difícil encontrar diseños con buena calidad los pedidos llegan super rápido y los costos son accesibles por lo que vale mucho la pena comprar en esta plataforma, constantemente se están renovando lo que es bueno si tienes alguna presentación los temas van muy de la mano con lo que necesitas, debo comentar que antes de realizar esta recomendación genere pedidos para revisar que la compra fuera lo que pedí y cumpliera con la descripción. Registered Mar 29th,2023 E-mail:lilia_betitoon@hotmail.com
Ka 'Ohi Nani o Mana'olana We wore the beautiful long, green dresses for our most recent ho'ike concert. We felt beautiful in the dresses and we danced beautifully, too! Mahalo! Registered Mar 22th,2023 kaohinaniomanaolana.org E-mail:kaohinaniomanaolana@gmail.org
Aloha Island Experience Our dancers have purchased pau skirts and hula supplies from Hula Ohana for years now, we love all your products! Registered March 14th, 2023 https://www.facebook.com/maryshulagirls E-mail:alohaislandexpericnce@gmail.com
Hula Halau Ohana Elikapeka Registered Mar 9th, 2023 www.alohasanantonio.com E-mail:alohasa9933@gmail.com |
Kūhai Hālau O Kanoheaokalikolaua’e Pā ‘Ōlapa Kahiko Registered Feb 28th, 2023 www.halauhulaonohea.com/ E-mail:halauonohea28@gmail.com |
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Korea Hawaii Hula Education Association(KoHHEA) Aloha! We are educating Hawaii hula in Busan, South Korea. We are happy to wear pretty hulaohana clothes and dance beautiful Hawaiian hula. Mahalo! Registered July 19th,2021 E-mail:kohheahula@naver.com
Korea Institute of Living Dance We have been loyal customers for many years. Thank you for the high quality outfits. Registered January 11th,2023 E-mail:nak9girl@naver.com
mk hula it's so nice to know your site.please upload a lot of pretty clothes. Registered November 11th,2021 E-mail:m1979k@naver.com
Nā Mele o ke Kai We have not had the opportunity to perform with the current students, since COVID restrictions, so I would prefer to have the opportunity to have more appropriate pictures supplied at a later date. Registered November 11th, 2022 http://hulaslo.org// E-mail:hulaslo@gmail.com
Creighton University – Hui ‘O Hawai’i Aloha hulaohana! We are Creighton University’s Hawai’i Club – Hui ‘O Hawai’i. We are located in Omaha, Nebraska. We are so excited to purchase from your store, and we look forward to wearing these costumes for our 2023 Lū’au and for many more lū’au’s to come. Registered October 24th, 2022 https://www.culuau.org/ E-mail:ameliapike@creighton.edu
Cindy Ukulele&Hula So happy to find many different kinds of Hawaiian dress and cloth on the website. And the order system is very easy to use.Delivery status is smooth and fast.Good experience! Registered September 28th, 2022 Facebook:Cindy Uke E-mail:cindyuke@gmail.com
Kalakeke Pacific Island Dance Company We are excited to perform in our new costumes from Hula Ohana. We look forward to our future purchases! Registered September 26th, 2022 https://www.scvhula.com E-mail:scvhula@yahoo.com